Thursday, December 5, 2013

Get Google Adsense Approved Genuine Within 2 days For Free!!!

Get Google Adsense Approved Genuine Within 2 days For Free!!! I am here with another New Tricks to " Get your google adsense account 

approved easily " . Yes this trick is working very easy also, I want to share that the Google Adsense Ads I am running in my website is the result for the same, means I also got my Google Adsense Account Approved by this way. :p

This method is 100% legal and You will " Get Genuine Google Adsense Account For Free " So just read the whole article carefully and "Get Google Adsense Account Instantly "Just creating the blog and writing articles will not earn you money from internet. Placing ads and affiliate marketing helps you to earn good from your blogs and that too with no investment. Just attract more visitors or readers to your blog and earn good amount from your web property. But now a day Google is very strict for the approval of google adsense account and other all revenue sharing ads programs are not so successful as adsense. People are trying hard to get approval from adsense but are not able to do so. In the start i had also tried for 3 times but all time my application was rejected.

After that i found 2 tricks to get " Google adsense approval in just 2 days " and that too with no need of website. So i thought to share the same with all and help all to generate revenue from their blog. You have to just follow few steps and then you get google adsense approval in just 2 days.
Get Google Adsense Account Approved By Using Flixya

Just follow the below mentioned steps and you will get adsense approval in just 2 days.
Go to It's a Video sharing website.
Register your account there and share at least 3 videos or PPT Presentations. Create blogs and share your articles from that blogs, also share some images and photos.
Then when you create your profile on this website you get a new form in the 2nd step, i.e. the google adsense registration form. Enter a valid email address to open a adsense account. I prefer gmail for better results.
After you sign up it gives you a publication Id and then after 2 days your account will be approved.

This is one of the tricks to get you google adsense approval in just 2 days.

Get Google Adsense Account Account Approved By Using IndyaRocks

If you do not have any videos or PPT presentations to share on the above website then i have another trick to get you approval of adsense in just 2 days. You have to just follow the mentioned steps and that all done.

You all may be aware of Indyarocks, the 1st step is to go to and register a account with them.
After you register sign in to your account and click on earning link on the right sidebar in your profile.
Indyarocks is a channel partner with google adsense which helps you to earn revenue with them by sharing and creating blogs. But you need to satisfy their following conditions for adsense approval. Note the below mention conditions of indyarocks to be full filed for adsense approval.
Your Profile must be at least 80% complete.
Your profile privacy should be set to everyone.
You must upload at least 10 photos to your profile and the privacy of the photos must be set to everyone.
You must post at least 2/3 blogs and the content must be unique and the privacy of the blogs must be set to everyone.
Just satisfy these above mentioned conditions and then apply for google adsense account from indyarocks, you will get a confirm approval in just 2 days

Mengatasi IDM Fake Serial Number

Mengatasi IDM Fake Serial Number. Mengatasi IDM Fake Serial Number.. Apakah IDM Yang agan Punya Sering Kluar.. The IDM Has Registered Fake Serial Number blbalalblablla.. :D . Pasti Kesal saat Kita Sedang Enak browsing atau yang sebagainya eh IDM keluar pasti keseel banget deh kan.. Sekarang Saya Post Tentang Mengatasi IDM Fake Serial Number. Jadi langsung Simak Baik-baik ya gan..

Pertama Download Dulu Aplikasinya Disni.
Jika Sudah ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah inni dengan baik..

  • Pertama Kita harus pastikan IDM Sedang Tidak Running Atau Berjalan .. Caranya Dengan.:
                    Buka Tas manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del). masuk tab Procceess. Dan cari IDMan.exe dan IEMonitor
                    Jika Aplikasi Tersebut Sedang dalam Keadaan Running Klik Kanan End Process.
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  • Lalu buka Apliasi Jamu v1.exe>Dan Klik Patch.
  • Lalu buka Jamuv2,exe>Klik Patch lagi. dan akan Keluar Pop-Up. Langsung Tujukan ke Aplikasi yang ada di C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager Atau C:\Program Files(x86)\Internet Download Manager. Dan Pililh IDMGrHlp.exe.
  • Dan Selamat IDM Tidak Akan Keluar Lagi Fake Serial Number...
Sekian Artikel Tentang Mengatasi IDM Fake Serial Number.Semoga bermanfaat. jangan Lupa Share ya Jika Artikel Ini Menarikk..

Skype, Video Chat Asik Bareng Teman

Skype ini merupakan aplikasi video chatt yang banyak fitur dan kelebihan nya lho sobat. Dengan skype kita bisa video chat, chating, kontak lisan, dan masih banyak lagi. Apa aja sih Fitur dari Skype ?

Skype, Video Chat              Asik Bareng Teman
  1. Skype calling, sobat bisa melakukan panggilan layaknya fungsi telepon
  2. Video calling, Melakukan panggilan dengan kelebihan kita bisa melihat lawan bicara di layar Skype
  3. Add Skype and SkypeOut contacts, Kita bisa menambah kontak Skype dan SkypeOut 
  4. Basic chat and emoticons, Namnya aja aplikasi chat pasti dong ada emoticon nya
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Link Download

Oke sobat, itulah postinga saya kali ini tentang "Skype, Video Chat Asik Bareng Teman". Semoga bisa jadi sumber inspirasi teman dalam mencari ilmu yah, jangan lupa komenya ditunggu lho ^_^

Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.18 Build 9 Full Version With Patch

Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.18 Build 9 Full Version With Patch
IDM atau internet download manager memang benar-benar rajin untuk mengupdate versinya dan kali ini IDM sudah menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu internet download manager 6.18 build 9 walaupun sebenarnya versi ini sudah terbit dari beberapa hari yang lalu namun baru bisa saya share sekarang Pada versi ini tentu saja IDM atau internet download manager sudah memperbaiki kekurangan pada versi sebelumnya yang akan membuat proses download kita semakin lancar.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Nb : Baca Cara menghilangkan Pop-Up Fake Serial IDM jika terjadi selalu keluar pop-up serial number.
Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download, jalankan idman618build9.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan, matikan lewat task manager ( untuk yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan IDM, kemudian setelah install versi terbarunya ini diminta registrasi, langsung tutup saja permintaan registrasi tersebut )
  3. Extract patch yg sudah di download menggunakan winrar.
  4. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  5. kemudian klik patch
  6. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
  7. Kemudian klik OK
  8. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.

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Description :

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